Franzen Hates E-books and Oprah, Yet Still Uses Both to Sell Books

Deutsch: Ortsende von Franzen in Niederösterreich
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Speaking of saying stupid things in public, it seems that Jonathan Franzen recently jumped on the anti-eBook bandwagon during a recent speaking engagement:

“The technology I like is the American paperback edition of Freedom. I can spill water on it and it would still work! So it’s pretty good technology. And what’s more, it will work great 10 years from now… I think, for serious readers, a sense of permanence has always been part of the experience. Everything else in your life is fluid, but here is this text that doesn’t change…” Continue reading “Franzen Hates E-books and Oprah, Yet Still Uses Both to Sell Books”

Amazon Kindle Hits Best Buy Shelves

A Picture of a eBook
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I guess this is a sign that e-books are officially a force to be reckoned with in the publishing world. When the country’s biggest electronics chain makes a deal to stock the Kindle e-book readers on their shelves, and promises to devote more display space to it and other e-readers on the market, they are really expecting the things to sell. If everything goes well with my publisher, my past and future titles will be available on the Kindle as well. Maybe it is about time that I get one of these things myself.

Best Buy to Sell Kindle In Stores, Enhance E-Reader Displays.

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Amazon Puts 70% Royalty in Place for DTP Publishing

A Picture of a eBook
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Amazon Puts 70% Royalty in Place for DTP Publishing.

Well, it looks like Amazon might be dragging the big publishing companies into the new technology once again. Speaking as an author, I couldn’t be happier.

One of my main complaints with eBooks has always been that the publishing companies were raking in extra cash at the expense of both the artist and the consumer: with eBooks being sold at the same or similar price as physical books in most cases, publishers were successfully eliminating printing and shipping costs, but without passing the those savings onto to the artist through larger royalties, or the consumer with lower prices. Continue reading “Amazon Puts 70% Royalty in Place for DTP Publishing”