Stop. Novel Time.

ImageIt’s been awhile.

Yes, I’ve been away from the keyboard for a bit since my last post. No excuses, no explanations  other than the unavoidable fact that life often intervenes when least expected.

What matters is, I’m back. With a vengeance.

I’m kick off my return to the word by joining up with the National Novel Writing Month challenge, during which I will be converting my short story A Little Hike into a full-length novel.

One month. Thirty Days. A minimum of 50,000 words. Hopefully in the proper order.

The hope is to make this an interactive event with everyone, and not only get back into the thick of it as a writer, but to share the writing experience with others out there. The high points, the low points, the mad rambling 3AM points when lack of sleep and sun deprivation leads to hallucination delirium. Parental Guidance may be advised.

I’ll also be attempting to raise donations during NaNoWriMo as well for The Office of Letters and Light, an organization dedicated to helping children realize their creative potentials.

So stick around. Check things out. But most importantly, get involved.

And brace yourself.


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Author: S. Michael Wilson

S. Michael Wilson is an author, screenwriter, blogger, podcaster, film journalist, poet, and all around groovy guy.

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