Author Appearance: BooksNJ in Paramus

U.S. Census Bureau map of Paramus, New Jersey
Image via Wikipedia

I will be in attendance at the Books NJ book festival at the Paramus Public Library in Paramus, NJ this Sunday, June 12. If you are in the area, be sure to stop by to meet me and the over 100 other authors selling books, signing copies, speaking on panels, and sharing their love of books with other authors and readers alike.

I will be selling and autographing copies of my books, speaking on the Beyond Reality author panel, and quite possibly participating in the Poetry Slam. Also, people purchasing autographed copies of Performed by Lugosi at the Books NJ event will also receive free eBook copies of Monster Rally. I look forward to seeing you there! Continue reading “Author Appearance: BooksNJ in Paramus”

Author Appearance: A Little Hike

Reading of an excerpt from the short story A Little Hike, by author S. Michael Wilson (that’s me), at the Visiting Authors Series held at Warren County Community College.

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Clogging the Airwaves with Father Scardo

Last week, I stopped by the HomegrownradioNJ studio to spend a Thursday afternoon hanging out and talking about Performed by Lugosi with one of my favorite radio personalities, Father Scardo of the Altered Hours program, which can be heard on Thursdays from 1pm to 4pm. You can hear highlights from my on-air conversations with Father Scardo on episode #30 of the Moviesucktastic podcast, but be forewarned: Father Scardo’s show is not for the squeamish or easily offended.


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Butcher Knives & Body Counts Update

It looks like the release date for Butcher Knives & Body Counts is looming closer than ever. Galleys and Bio Updates have been received and returned, so it’s safe to say that the book is now on the fast track to publication. I remember submitting my work to this anthology back when I was still working on Performed by Lugosi, and I have been eagerly awaiting its release ever since.

The devious minds over at Dark Scribe Press have cobbled together an amazing selection of writing talents, and the amount of ground this anthology covers in the realm of slasher films is truly inspiring. The last I heard, release signings were being planned in the New York/Long Island area sometime this summer. Rest assured, I will keep you updated.

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Author Appearance: Fireside Chat

Reading of an excerpt from the short story Fireside Chat, by author S. Michael Wilson (that’s me), at the Visiting Authors Series held at Warren County Community College.

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A Gathering of Poets and Authors

River Lee 11 Ars Poetica
Image by grahamc99 via Flickr

This past Thursday, April 21, I was fortunate enough to take part in the Visiting Authors Series at Warren County Community College. While every year the Visiting Author Series strives to bring one or two authors to the campus for a public reading of their work to wide audience (attendance is always free of charge), once a year the evening is filled with literally dozens of talented authors and poets presenting their works. Among these contributing authors was yours truly, who was given the chance to read two short works of creative nonfiction to the assembled crowd, Fireside Chat and A Little Hike.

Once a year, the event also acts as a release party for the school’s Art and Literary Magazine, Ars Poetica. Hosted by Professors B.J. Ward and Brian Bradford, and Ars Poetica Editors-in-Chief Angela Chiu and Peace Mazelis, this meeting of the Visiting Authors Series included appearances by WCCC students and winners of the Warren County High School Fiction Contest, whose work appears in the 2011 issue of Ars Poetica. Continue reading “A Gathering of Poets and Authors”

Monster Rally On Kindle

Like many authors these days, I’ve done my best to keep up with the latest trends and advances in Digital Text Platform publishing (otherwise known as DTP). As a milestone in my own ventures into this brave new world, I am glad to announce that Monster Rally is now available for purchase on Amazon’s Kindle reading device.

Actually, Monster Rally has been available on Kindle for about two weeks now, but I wanted to wait until the listing was fully integrated with the rest of Amazon. As of today, the Kindle version of Monster Rally is linked to the print copy, as well as my Amazon Author page, and has a free sample available for instant download. Continue reading “Monster Rally On Kindle”

The Virtue of Brevity

I find that a lot of students in creative writing classes tend to struggle with writing shorter pieces, especially when it is on a topic they are excited or passionate about.

Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of th...
Image via Wikipedia

I find that a lot of students in creative writing classes tend to struggle with writing shorter pieces, especially when it is on a topic they are excited or passionate about. Single page assignments will often run a page or two over, with the student complaining that one page just doesn’t allow enough space for the story they want to tell, or the message they want to convey. Why, they ask, are you trying to prevent me from writing more?

My response is to compare a president’s speech to potato chips. I’ll explain in a moment. Continue reading “The Virtue of Brevity”

The A-Team, The Drive-In and Dog Owners

Recreaction of intertitle from The A-Team base...
Image via Wikipedia

Yes, the MovieSucktastic podcast is back on schedule, after an extended hiatus during which I (unsuccessfully) attempted to track down co-host Joey, who was abducted last month by militant Avatar fanatic in retaliation for my past antiAvatar reviews. Despite the tracking and survival skills I honed during my years with the Navajo and my brief stint as a Mexican Wrestler, the trail went cold at the Northern end of the Appalachian Trail. I had to return to the Wilson Compound to regroup, but the hunt is far from over.

Back at home base, I snapped back into action and got back into the MovieScottastic swing of things with a full-on review of The A-Team, which I screened at Becky’s Drive-In. This, of course, also leads to a brief rant about moviegoers and drive-in moviegoers, and their never ending quest to ruin the movie-going experience for the general public. Here’s a quick preview: what do you do when a crying baby isn’t loud enough to disrupt the film? Bring the dogs along as well, of course.

Continue reading “The A-Team, The Drive-In and Dog Owners”